Saturday, June 18, 2016

5th Grade Math Readiness Videos

I support a Title school in my district and in preparation for our Summer version of SSI, I put together a few videos for the teachers who would be facilitating the sessions.

I wanted to place these short clips on my blog site in efforts to "spread the love". Although I put together lesson plans for SSI, I knew the teachers who'd be working with our students, had never taught 5th grade. Initially, it was a scary thought, but when I found out WHO those teachers would be (some of our campus finest), I let out a sigh of relief. There's just a level of trust you accrue when you know that a model teacher can take their best practices and apply them to ANY group of students. Model teachers have the "with-it-ness" to study standards and apply their instructional practices for the benefit of students!

Despite this trait, I can't assume that we (as educators) don't daily fight the natural tendency to slip into our mathematical vernacular (our old ways we were taught). It takes looking at the NEW MATH TEKS from the concrete to abstract path rather than jumping straight into the abstract.

I might be on a 'road less traveled' when it comes to this approach, because many people might argue that students need to be taught 'whatever it takes' this late in the game 'to get them to pass the STAAR'. My belief is contrary, it's predicated on never abandoning the foundation of math for a quick teach. Retaining and comprehension are at stake. I'm not one to argue my stance, but just a heads up...these videos model quick re-teaches without "tricks".

Here are the Readiness Standards ONLY! Coaches, feel free to watch these in PLC with your teams, or simply share them with some of your 5th grade math teachers. You will hear me reference "SSI timing" so ignore certain phrases when thinking about how to use this in your initial instruction throughout the year!








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