Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Takes a special man to marry an Educator

Attention shoppers! We have a special in the Educators department!

A few co-workers and I were talking about the type of men it takes to date and/or marry a woman who is in Education.

Why? Because unlike most jobs, Education is a profession where its employees are more than the clock-in/clock-out, 9 to 5 kind of workers. Oh no...those in this profession are overly passionate about what they do and those whom they serve. They physically clock-out, but are mentally clock-in around the calendar. They look forward to the opportunity to work from home, purchase resources from their own funds and utilize their vacation time to 'store up for winter' (create things for their classrooms).

So what type of men are needed for this special breed of women? Well, in short the kind of men who:

1. Don't mind touching their woman's feet. That's right I said it. Educators are often on their feet ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY...and it would benefit him to have some greased up hands ready to massage the tension out of his wife's feet at least 3 times a week.

2. Don't mind being a receptacle for brain dumping. When an educator comes home, we have stories for days. Stories about co-workers, stories about kids, stories about work load...and well sometimes we just need someone who is willing to listen to the monotony of our stories be they juicy or mundane. Now, should we let you in on what a student or co-worker said/did that offended us, we can't have you going all POSTAL on them, just listen and act shocked, nod and keep listening. We just need a venting mechanism.

Finally, and probably most important...

3. Don't mind being #teamEducator. All this means is, you MUST understand that we may or may not work waaay beyond normal work hours. It doesn't mean we are cheating on your or can't stand being around you...it simply means we find the hours after our students have left as the MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME OF DAY!! Be patient, once the year gets going, we'll have it down to 1-2 late days a week. Just fix dinner and be ready to massage those feet!

This also means don't be too manly to get in the game. That's right, you can help cut out some lamination while you're watching the game. You may even be called on to grade some papers; grab that red pen, the answer key and get to markin'! You ain't too good for the task! And should she need someone to help move her in (or out of) her classroom, be ready to stand on a step ladder to hang border and build shelves. Go ahead and factor it into the budget that she will spend a portion of her own money on her students.

All I'm saying guys is...it takes a special man...an understanding man. One who can handle having not only a wife, a mother for your children, but a woman who secretly wears an S on her chest because she works with OTHER PEOPLE'S KIDS and she can't whoop them. For that alone, she deserves much more!

If you're married to an Educator or dating someone who is, I just gave you a huge discount!
If you're single and still looking...steer clear of this aisle, or use your coupon to cash in; you're gonna need it!